News-Cangzhou Shiqi High Temperature Pump Industry Co., Ltd

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Mesh impact noise of stainless steel gear pump

Due to the elastic force restored by deformation, gears will generate tangential acceleration, causing meshing gears to deviate from the theoretical tooth profil...


Cavitation and cavitation noise of stainless steel gear pump

The cavitation and erosion phenomena in the hydraulic system of stainless steel gear pumps can also generate noise. Generally, 2% to 5% air is mixed into hydraul...


Stainless steel gear pump trapped oil noise

The compressibility of liquids is relatively small. If the closed volume is reduced, it will cause a sharp increase in the pressure of the oil. Therefore, high-p...


Pulsating noise of stainless steel gear pump

The manufacturing accuracy of pump components and the leakage of oil in the pressure chamber can cause pressure pulsation and further generate noise....


Oil Trapping Phenomenon in Stainless Steel Gear Pump

The phenomenon of trapped oil refers to the phenomenon where the change in trapped oil volume causes a sharp increase or decrease in internal pressure. When a pu...


The basic structure of stainless steel gear pumps

The main and driven gears are respectively surrounded by the pump casing and the front and rear end covers of the pump, forming a sealing space. The suction cham...


Precautions for dismantling and inspecting stainless steel gear pumps

Pay attention to the direction and connection of the pump, and ensure that the motor wiring is not connected incorrectly during maintenance. In addition, attenti...


Common Fault Analysis of Stainless Steel Gear Pump

The faults of stainless steel gear pumps are mainly due to the inability to drain oil, insufficient flow rate of the pump, and excessive working noise and rapid ...


Measures to eliminate vibration sources in chemical equipment and the importance of scientific select

During the selection process, the staff should consider the operating profile of the gear oil pump. If the operating profile of the gear oil pump is not fully co...


Optimization of chemical machinery selection and selection of sealing materials for gear oil pumps

Gear oil pumps cannot achieve good sealing effects and can also shorten the service life of sealing rings, increase the investment cost of chemical production, a...


The importance of strengthening the installation process of chemical equipment and selecting sealing

Due to various factors, sealing leaks still occur frequently, leading to material waste and pollution of the natural environment. Analyze the causes of mechanica...


Deviation control during installation of chemical machinery and daily operation and maintenance of st

During the operation of the stainless steel gear pump, it is necessary to closely observe the operating status of the device, especially the vibration situation ...


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